Good bye, Prof. Cramer!
26th of September 2014
After 10 years as director of the Gene Center of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Prof. Patrick Cramer is now going to take on new challenges as the director of the Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen. Many colleagues, students and friends gathered in a festive setting to say good-bye and wish him farewell. We would like to thank Prof. Cramer for his continous support and excellent collaboration, especially in his role as speaker of the Bavarian Research Center for Molecular Biosystems, and would like to wish him all the best for the future!
A researcher portrait by the HelmholtzZentrum Munich
Dr. Tobias Madl - "Proteine unter dem Hammer"
siTools Biotech wins 2nd place in business plan contest
July 2014 in Fürth
The company siTools Biotech GmbH, which was co-founded by Prof. Gunter Meister, was recently awarded the 2nd price in the business plan contest Nordbayern 2014. The contest is organized by the innovation and entrepreneurship initiative "Netzwerk Nordbayern" in cooperation with Siemens AG. The video of the award-winning project titled "new reagents for gene function analyis" is shown below. Read more in the official press release of the University of Regensburg. Congratulations to Prof. Gunter Meister and siTools Biotech GmbH!
2nd International Symposium on
Trends in Melanoma Research
Register now!
11th to 13th of Dec 2014 in Regensburg

The Melanoma Research Network “Molecular Mechanisms of Development and Progression of Malignant Melanoma” is organizing the 2. International Symposium on “Trends in Melanoma Research” and would like to invite you to their upcoming meeting in December 11th - 13th, 2014.
The conference will take place in the heart of the UNESCO-World Heritage Site Regensburg in the Thon-Dittmer-Palais. Selected top-class speakers will present their recent data in Melanoma research as well as new future perspectives.
The symposium will be accompanied by a poster session. The participants of the symposium are invited to submit an abstract for the poster session. Distinguished abstracts will be selected for a talk. For more information concerning registration and program, please visit the official website.
4th Munich Biomarker Conference
25th to 26th of Nov 2014 in the Hilton Munich Park Hotel

The Munich Biomarker Conference is organized by the networking agency BioM and brings together international experts from biotech and pharma industry with scientists and physicians. The programme covers all stages of biomarker development, from basic research to personalized treatment of patients. More information and registration here.
International Symposium on Interventional Immunology
From Cells to Drugs: 13th to 14th of Nov 2014 in Regensburg

The International Symposium on Interventional Immunology is organized by BayImmuNet. It brings together international experts in order to discuss new strategies of cellular therapy and future developments on this field. More information and registration here.
Careers in Chemie/Pharma/Biotech/Medizin
On 29th of Oct 2014 at the LMU Campus Großhadern
BioSysNet will be present at the student job fair Careers in Chemie / Pharma / Biotech / Medizin on 29th of October 2014 in the lecture halls of the LMU Campus in Großhadern. More information here.
3rd network meeting of BioSysNet
24th of July 2014 in Großhadern
National funding for BioSysNet scientist
Dr. Jan Medenbach receives BMBF funding
We are proud to announce that the research proposal for systems medicine of Dr. Jan Medenbach which was submitted to the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has been accepted. He and four colleagues will now receive funding as a part of the programme "SUPR-G: Systems Biology of the Unfolded Protein Response in Glioma". Congratulations!
MEDIZIN INNOVATIV - MedTech Pharma 2014
2nd - 3rd of July 2014 in Nuremberg
Online magazine "einBLICK" of the Würzburg University publishes article on Dr. Ana Eulalio
"Salmonellen im Blick"
The university of Würzburg has published an article on the works of Dr. Ana Eulalio. She is currently researching the changes in cellular RNA patterns as a consequence of Salmonellae infection. To read the full article (only available in German), please download the document below.
German BioRegions Innovation Award 2014
April 2014

This years 2nd place of the German BioRegions Innovation Award was given to Prof. Bosserhoff and Prof. Hellerbrand. The two scientists from the University of Regensburg are investigating the metastatic spread of malignant melanoma cells. We would like to congratulate Prof. Bosserhoff and Prof. Hellerbrand for this great success!
From Functional Genomics to Systems Biology
31st of March to 2nd of April 2014 at Klinikum rechts der Isar
Within the context of the international congress "From Functional Genomics to Systems Biology", the two networks BayGene and BioSysNet invited scientist from all over the world to Bavaria to discuss their current research. The main topic of the event was gene regulation. Factors which regulate the cellular system were discussed from differents points of view. As a functioning system is more then the sum of individual factors, the scientist investigate various different areas of control of molecular biosystems. With around 250 guests, the event was a complete success. Impressions of the scientific exchange and of the official state reception with state secretary Bernd Sibler are shown in the gallery below.
Award-winning BioSysNet junior scientist
Dr. Cynthia Sharma receives anual award of German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology
Dr. Cynthia Sharma has received the 2013 annual award for young scientists of the German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology. It includes a prize money of 2500 euro. Dr. Sharma received this award for her outstanding work on riboregulation in pathogenic bacteria. We would like to congratulate Dr. Sharma and her team on this great success! More information can be found here.
Munich Science Days - Münchner Wissenschafstage
16th to 19th of November 2013

BioSysNet was once again represented at the Munich Science Days (Münchner Wissenschaftstage). From 16th to 19th of November 2013 visitors could learn interesting facts about the human DNA and discuss about topics such as personalized medicine and biosystems research.
IMGM Symposium
Pharmacogenetics in clinical development - facts and trends
8th of November 2013

We would like to invite you to join the upcoming symposium on pharmacogenetics in clinical develeopment of IMGM Laboratories.
Start: Friday, 8th of April 2013, 13h00
Location: IMGM Laboratories
(Conference Room, 5th floor, Lochhamer Strasse 29, 82152 Martinsried).
Information on the preliminary program and registration is available here!
2nd network meeting of BioSysNet
24th of October 2013

Biotechnica 2013 in Hannover
From 8th to 10th of October

The Bavarian Network for Molecular Biosystems presented its projects at the joint booth of Bayern Innovativ and the Bavarian Biotechcluster at the Biotechnica 2013 in Hannover. Within a professional and inspiring surrounding, many interested visitors stopped to learn more about current research on molecular biosystems. The Bavarian Genome Research Network (BayGene) as well as FORPLANTA were also represented.
New BioSysNet Brochure is out
Release of the first brochure about the BioSysNet
The first brochure of the Bavarian BioSysNet is released in July 2013. The brochure contains besides a detailed insight into the head office also all news regarding the single project leaders. In addition, we are happy to announce a preamble from State Minister Dr. Wolfgang Heubisch, Prof. Domdey and Prof. Cramer. Enjoy reading!
BioSysNet junior research group leaders receive Emmy Noether Funding 2013
Dr. Fabiana Perocchi and Dr. Tobias Madl are once again funded by the German Research Foundation
Dr. Fabiana Perocchi und Dr. Tobias Madl have been granted funding by the Emmy Noether Programme of the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) for the year 2013. Both researchers have been funded since 2012 and have now achieved an extension of the programme. The purpose of the Emmy Noether Programme is to provide outstanding young researchers with the opportunity to rapidly qualify for a leading position in science and research or for a university teaching career by leading an independent junior research group and assuming relevant teaching duties. Furthermore, it is the programme's declared aim to recruit young, outstanding postdocs working abroad (back) to Germany. This goes hand in hand with the goals of BioSysNet.
Technical University of Munich, IKOM
15th of May 2013 in Freising Weihenstephan

On the 15th of May, the Bavarian Research Network for Molecular Biosystems presented itself during the career forum IKOM at the Center of Life and Food Sciences Weihenstephan of the Technical University of Munich.
IMGM & Roche Symposium
Pushing the boundaries of metagenomics
9th of April 2013

We would like to invite you to join the upcoming joint symposium on metagenomics of IMGM Laboratories and Roche.
Start: Tuesday, 9th of April, 13h00
Location: IMGM Laboratories
(Conference Room, 5th floor, Lochhamer Strasse 29, 82152 Martinsried).
Please register here!
Forum Life Science
International Congress of Biosciences
13th to 14th of March 2013

During Forum Life Science 2013 BioSysNet presented itself to a professional audience and the interested public on campus Garching of the Technical University of Munich. Not only did visitors engage in interesting conversations, also preliminary contacts with industry representatives and representatives of research institutions were initiated.
1st network meeting of BioSysNet
7th of March 2013

Unique in Germany!
Installation of a "in-house" BioSAXS device at the Technical University of Munich

In January 2013 the new BioSAXS device was officially put into operation at the Technical University of Munich (Anton Paar SAXSess). The device, which was sponsored by the Bavarian Network for Molecular Biosystems in the context of Tobias Madl’s junior research group, is optimized for small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) of biological samples and is the first “in-house” BioSAXS system Germany-wide. The new BioSAXS device will enable studies of structure and dynamics of unstructured proteins and large biological macro molecules in solution.
Unstructured proteins and their complexes form part of the most complex systems within a cell. They are constantly repositioning, exchanging proteins and are extremely dynamic in general. In order to resolve this challenging topic, Tobias Madl and his research group have developed innovative approaches during the last years to elucidate three-dimensional structures of protein complexes. In the future, it will be even more important to combine different methods of structural elucidation in order to investigate basic molecular mechanisms of illnesses and diseases. For this purpose, the scientists have already developed software which allows integrating data of different techniques such as NMR spectroscopy, small-angle X-ray scattering, small-angle neutron scattering and X-ray crystallography for structure calculations. Currently, they are improving the software in order to develop a generally applicable strategy.
Article in
Molecular biosystems research - or how life organizes itself
Systems biology is currently one of the most dynamic and future oriented research areas. In 2011, the Bavarian Research Network for Molecular Biosystems (BioSysNet) was founded in order to concentrate and expand existing competencies in Bavaria and thereby strengthen this research area. The research network enables scientists all over Bavaria to do cooperative research on current and relevant research topics. The network focusses on the interdisciplinary cooperation of different universities and institutions in Bavaria.
An article written by Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey, Dr. Ulrike Kaltenhauser and Claudia Szeibert.
Tobias Madl receives GÖCH Science Award 2012
8th of November 2012

The Science Award of the Gesellschaft Österreichischer Chemiker (GÖCH, Austrian Chemical Society) is financed by the Santner private foundation and is endowed with 2000 Euro. The prize aims at supporting young and outstanding scientists. It is awarded for a scientific publication which outlines excellent scientific results.
The GÖCH Science Award was given to Dr. Tobias Madl during an official ceremony on November 8th, 2012, in the Palais Festetics (Vienna).
Information on Tobias Madl
Dr. Madl (*1980) is doing research on structual biology of signal transduction. Signal transduction is essential for the organism and is mostly mediated by unstructured proteins. Disorders within this system are the cause for many diseases and are also related to aging. Tobias Madl's research group aims at elucidating the basic molecular mechanisms in the interaction of unstructured proteins, in order to gain insight into the complex connection between their funktion and their role in the emergence of diseases. Dr. Madl studied chemistry and physics at the Karl-Franzens University of Graz, where he completed his PhD with honors in 2007 at the institute for chemistry in the area of organic and bioorganic chemistry, supported by a DOC fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. For his PhD thesis, he received the Doktoratspreis of the Austrian Chemical Society. From 2007 to 2010, he held a postdoctoral position at the Technical University of Munich, supported by the FWF and an EMBO long term fellowship. From 2010 to 2012, Dr. Madl was a visiting researcher at the University of Utrecht (Netherlands) and Graz (Austria), supported by an APART fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences. Since his return in 2012, Dr. Madl is a junior research group leader at the Technical University of Munich.
Contact: Dr. Tobias Madl
MedTech Pharma 2012
Congress and exhibition of innovative medicine
4th to 5th of July 2012
During July 4th to 5th, 2012, doctors, biologists and medical engineers got together in the exibition center of Nuremberg for a congress of Forum MedTech Pharma. The conference was opened with a plenum on the topic "efficient health care" by Prof. Dr. Michael Nerlich (Forum MedTech Pharma e.V.), state minister Dr. Wolfgang Heubisch and Prof. Dr. Josef Nassauer (Bayern Innovativ GmbH). The event, which was organized by Bayern Innovativ GmbH, offered several parallel lecture series with different focus points. Furthermore, contacts with representatives of research and technology could be stablished during an industry exhibition. On the evening of the 4th of July, an official reception took place in the courtyard of the Nuremberg castle.
2nd Munich Bioinformatics Day
15th of June 2012
On Friday, 14th of June, all academic research groups related to bioinformatics and computational biology in Munich got together in the Senatssaal of the Ludwig-Maximilian-University of Munich for a mutual exchange of experiences. The first part of the program was composed of talks by Prof. Johannes Söding, Dr. Julien Gagneur und Prof. Iris Antes. After a coffee break and many interesting conversations, Dr. Caroline Friedel, Prof. Fabian Theis und Prof. Dimitrij Frishman provided for the second half. In the afternoon, many joung scientists presented their work in a poster session open for discussion.
The event was brought to a close by the 8th graduation ceremony of the Munich bioinformatics studies. It was moderated by Prof. Burkhard Rost of the Technical University of Munich and opened with a speech by Prof. Stefan Kramer of the Johannes Gutenberg-University in Mainz. The ceremonial speech adressed the topic: "Can learning machines contribute to understanding biology". The graduate students were represented by Thomas Hopf and Stefanie Kaufmann. After honoring the graduates and handing over the certificates, scientists and family members of the graduates enjoyed a get together.
Bioinformatics is developing into one of the most promising research sectors in the Bavarian scientific landscape. International renown universities have perceived this development and are taking into account this trend.
As a nice coincidence, one of the participants of the audience announced at the beginning of the event, that both the Technical University of Munich as well as the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich had just received the honor of being named elite university of 3rd degree once again. They will receive around to 2.7 billion euro of funding.
BioSysNet - Kick off
14th of May 2012
On the 14th of May, the Bavarian Research Network for Molecular Biosystems will present itself to the press and public. The Bavarian State Minister of Sciences, Research and the Arts and Professor Dr. Patrick Cramer will welcome the guests and Professor Dr. Horst Domdey will then introduce the new scientific network. Afterwards the new regular junior group leaders will give a talk about their new research projects.
Articel in Wochenanzeiger
München (21.05.2012)
Articel at (Week 19)
(Articel on page 5)
analytica 2012 in Munich
17th to 20th of May 2012
BioSysNet presents itself for the first time at the analytica 2012 in Munich among with other scientific networks BayGene and FORPLANTA at the Bayern Innovative booth.