One Network for All of Bavaria
The Bavarian State Ministry of Education, Science and the Arts funds 24 independent research groups within the Bavarian Research Network for Molecular Biosystems. The program finances the following:
• five new regular junior research groups (funded with up to 1.5 Mio. Euro)
• eight associated junior research groups (co-funded with up to 250,000 Euro)
• eleven associated senior research groups (co-funded with up to 250,000 Euro)
The funding of new junior research groups enables promising and ambitious junior scientists to establish independent research projects. In addition, supplementary funding for already existing outstanding junior research groups is provided. Complementary funding for associated senior groups, already established in the Bavarian scientific landscape, aims at supporting interesting projects and the development of important technologies.
A key component of the Bavarian Network for Molecular Biosystems is the scientific exchange and networking between its members and with other scientists. Seminars and symposia on the current state of the respective research projects take place on a regular basis and set the foundation for scientific cooperation and mutual support. Furthermore, the network presents itself to other scientists, the industry and general public at numerous fairs and symposia. Further information on activities and accomplishments can be found in the news section. The progress of the project is supervised by the scientific coordinator Prof. Dr. Horst Domdey. An interim evaluation will be made at the midpoint of the funding period.